The Goals and Aims

With my project now decided, I wanted to think about my goals and aims for it. If I’m to try and plan out my milestones and key development stages I need to first better understand what my project aims to be and what I want to have achieved from it.

With that in mind. I drafted up the following series of goals and aims for this project.


A goal for me is something that I hope to have by the end of this project. Each point should be preceded by the statement: “I hope to have x


An aim for me is something that I hope to do during the course of the project. Each point should be preceded by the statement: “I aim to x


With my project now settled upon and my goals and aims summed up I then set about working on a milestone chart to help predicate and steer my general workflow and development of the project over the coming months. This isn’t something I’ve done much of before but having read many articles on the topic such as Time Boxing: What The Heck Is It?, 2012. I decided to look into charting and measuring my work which would greatly help in keeping me on track and on time for delivering what I want.

With that in mind I looked at some gantt chart examples and set about making one to describe my various stages of development over the course of the project and what I hoped to have done by each stage. A finished view of that can be seen below:

Gantt Chart Example

This chart details my work plans for each week as well as what testing sessions I’ll be running on the side and when.


It’s a daunting task ahead especially having now completed my milestones and risk analysis and fully seeing the course of development ahead of me. But I’m hoping that by the next post I’ll have settled into it and can keep trucking on.

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